Charming, Minimalist Faucet for Every Bathroom

Charming, Minimalist Faucet for Every Bathroom
Bathroom Categoriez,November 07th 2022. 20:25:40 PMby Victor Hedlund Berg

Who would have thought that a faucet can be this cute? I was literally astonished when I saw the design of this sink that I stumbled upon during my visit to Milan. It is like no other sink I have ever seen, because the sink has a unique design. The design is not something complicated, really. In fact, the design is extremely simple and not complicated at all. However, it is shaped in such a unique shape that makes this sink not simple at all.

Bathroom Unique Droplet Faucet White Faucet Wall Tartan Charming, Minimalist Faucet for Every Bathroom

Unique Simplicity of Faucet

No, really, this faucet from Milanis really unique. This sink is not a large sink that can commonly be seen from in public faces. They are also not traditional as in the person have to turn the faucet every time they want to use it. Instead, the sink is in the shape of a drop or an egg, having a round base and a pointy end. The sink looks like a mini dam since it has a thick top part that creates a dent as the sink goes down. Yep, that is what this sink is all about, and this is the reason why the sink is different from other sinks.

Bathroom Steel Droplet Faucet White Background Charming, Minimalist Faucet for Every Bathroom

Of course, let us not forget the tap of the sink. Just like the shape of the sink, the tap is nothing traditional and ordinary. It is not in the shape of normal taps, but it is also not the kind of tap where the person has to press the top. However, the tap has the shape of a “J.” From this “J” is where the water flows from the pipe all the way into the sink. The “J” has a cylinder base that is installed with a switch where one can turn on or off the sink. All of these things, the shape from the top to the bottom, are different from any normal sink. Of course, it is still in white to make the it look clean and neat.

Bathroom Cool Tap Milano Cute Froplet Faucet White Sink White Litle Pot Charming, Minimalist Faucet for Every Bathroom

A Special Faucet

Just look at the pictures. The pictures are really unique, is it not? I hope now people can realize what makes me love this sink. It is simple and has a slim design, but it is also unique at the same time. Imagine having this kind of sink into the bathroom! Will not that be great? The bathroom will definitely be elegant ad different from the normal kind of bathroom! This stylish yet unique cute faucet from Milan is definitely right for everybody.